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dfx deploy


Use the dfx deploy command to register, build, and deploy a dapp on the local canister execution environment, on the IC or on a specified testnet. By default, all canisters defined in the project dfx.json configuration file are deployed.

This command simplifies the developer workflow by enabling you to run one command instead of running the following commands as separate steps:

dfx canister create --all
dfx build
dfx canister install --all

Note that you can only run this command from within the project directory structure. For example, if your project name is hello_world, your current working directory must be the hello_world top-level project directory or one of its subdirectories.

Basic usage

dfx deploy [options] [canister_name]


You can use the following options with the dfx deploy command.

--network <network>Overrides the environment to connect to. By default, the local canister execution environment is used.
--playground Alias for --network playground. By default, canisters on this network are borrowed from the Motoko Playground.
--ic Alias for --network ic.
--argument <argument>Specifies an argument to pass to the canister during installation.
--argument-type <argument-type>Specifies the data type for the argument when making the call using an argument [possible values: idl, raw]
--argument-file <argument-file>Specifies the file from which to read the argument to pass to the init method. Stdin may be referred to as -.
--created-at-time <timestamp>Transaction timestamp, in nanoseconds, for use in controlling transaction deduplication, default is system time.
--from-subaccount <subaccount>Subaccount of the selected identity to spend cycles from.
-m, --mode <mode>Specifies whether you want to install, reinstall, or upgrade canisters. Defaults to auto. For more information about installation modes and canister management, see managing canisters.
--with-cycles <number-of-cycles>Enables you to specify the initial number of cycles for a canister in a project.
--specified-id <PRINCIPAL>Attempts to create the canister with this Canister ID
--by-proposalUpload proposed changed assets, but do not commit them. Follow up by calling either commit_proposed_batch() or delete_batch().
--compute-evidenceBuild a frontend canister, determine batch operations required to synchronize asset canister contents, and compute a hash over those operations. Displays this hash ("evidence"), which should match the evidence displayed by dfx deploy --by-proposal.
--subnet-type <subnet-type>Specify the subnet type to create the canister on. If no subnet type is provided, the canister will be created on a random default application subnet.
--subnet <subnet-principal>Specify the subnet to create the canister on. If no subnet is provided, the canister will be created on a random default application subnet.
--next-to <canister-principal>Create canisters on the same subnet as this canister.
--skip-pre-upgradeSkip the pre_upgrade hook on upgrade. This requires the upgrade/auto mode.
--wasm-memory-persistence <mode>Keep or replace the Wasm main memory on upgrade. Possible values: keep, replace. This requires the upgrade/auto mode.

Specifies the argument to pass to the init entrypoint

With --argument-type, you can specify the data format for the argument when you install using the --argument option. The valid values are idl and raw. By default, you can specify arguments using the Candid (idl) syntax for data values. For information about using Candid and its supported types, see Interact with a service in a terminal and Supported types. You can use raw as the argument type if you want to pass raw bytes to a canister.


You can specify the following arguments for the dfx deploy command.

canister_nameSpecifies the name of the canister you want to register, build, and deploy. Note that the canister name you specify must match at least one name in the canisters section of the dfx.json configuration file for the project. If you don’t specify a canister name, dfx deploy will deploy all canisters defined in the dfx.json file.


You can use the dfx deploy command to deploy all or specific canisters on the local canister execution environment, on the IC or on a specified testnet.

For example, to deploy the hello project on the hypothetical ic-pubs testnet configured in the dfx.json configuration file, you can run the following command:

dfx deploy hello_backend --network ic-pubs

To deploy a project on the local canister execution environment and pass a single argument to the installation step, you can run a command similar to the following:

dfx deploy hello_actor_class --argument '("from DFINITY")'

Note that currently you must use an actor class in your Motoko dapp. In this example, the dfx deploy command specifies an argument to pass to the hello_actor_class canister. The main program for the hello_actor_class canister looks like this:

actor class Greet(name: Text) {
public query func greet() : async Text {
return "Hello, " # name # "!";

You can use the dfx deploy command with the --with-cycles option to specify the initial balance of a canister created by your wallet. If you don’t specify a canister, the number of cycles you specify will be added to all canisters by default. To avoid this, specify a specific canister by name. For example, to add an initial balance of 8000000000000 cycles to a canister called "hello-assets", run the following command:

dfx deploy --with-cycles 8000000000000 hello-assets